Estudio Bianchi, Galarce & Castro Videla

Estela B. Sacristán

  • Born in Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, Argentina, on November 1st., 1961.
  • JD, Universidad del Museo Social Argentino, 1992, laureate.
  • Specialized in Economic-Administrative Law, Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA), 1998. Her dissertation defense and final examination received the highest grade.
  • Doctor in Laws, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2006. Her doctoral thesis defense received the highest grade.
  • Post doctoral research fellowship (UCA, 2013-2015).
  • Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Award, 1995, established by Acordada CSJN N° 6/91.
  • Undergraduate teaching position: Jurisprudence and Doctrine associate professor (Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. Graduate teaching positions: professor of Property Rights (UBA); Judicial Review of Legislation and Supreme Court Rulemaking Power (Austral University); Takings and other Limitations on Property Rights (UCA); Electricity Distribution (Universidad Externado de Colombia); Access to Judicial Information (Centro de Estudios de Actualización en Derecho, México); among others.
  • Executive director of both the In-Depth Constitutional Law Diploma program and the Constitutional Litigation Law Diploma program, and co-director of the LL.M. in Constitutional Law program (Austral University).
  • Secretary of the Administrative Law Institute, National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Buenos Aires.
  • Member of: Federalism Institute, National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Córdoba; Constitutional Law Institute, National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Buenos Aires; Argentine Association of Constitutional Law; Argentine Philosophy of Law Association; Argentine Association of Comparative Law; Argentine Association of Constitutional Litigation Law; Constitutional Law Center - UCA; International Academy of Comparative Law / Académie internationale de droit comparé (Paris). 
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
  • Deputy director of Derecho Administrativo - Revista de Doctrina, Jurisprudencia, Legislación y Práctica [Administrative Law Review], Buenos Aires: Abeledo Perrot.
  • Ex-executive director and current Member of the Academic Board of Revista Argentina de Derecho de la Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minería [Argentine Journal of Energy, Hydrocarbons and Mining Law], Buenos Aires: Ábaco.
  • Member of the Academic Board of Revista de Derecho Administrativo Económico [Economic Administrative Law Review], Santiago de Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Author of Régimen de las tarifas de los servicios públicos. Aspectos regulatorios, constitucionales y procesales, Buenos Aires: Ábaco, 2007, 656 ps. Editor and coauthor of Manual de jurisprudencia y doctrina, Buenos Aires: La Ley, 2013, 858 ps. Author or co-author of more than 250 publications on specialized areas of law, in treatises, collective works and law reviews, in Argentina and abroad. 
  • Prior to her joining the firm, she worked at the federal Supreme Court of Justice; at the Ministry of Justice and the National Antidoping Commission; and at the Federal Court of Appeals for Administrative Litigation.

Estela B. Sacristán

Av. Callao 1243, Piso 2°
(C1023AAF) Buenos Aires, Argentina
tel.: (54-11) 4812­-1200
cel.: +54 9 11 4024-6413